Achieve a Successful Edge Deployment with FNT Software

By 2022, the global edge computing market is expected to reach $6.72 billion. By far, the biggest driver of edge capacity is the Internet of Things (IoT).

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How Infrastructure Management Can Facilitate Digital Transformation

To future-proof your tower sites, the proper management of all passive mobile infrastructure assets is critical. Ulrich Schälling, Head of Business Line Networks at FNT Software, recently discussed towerco management in the age of digital transformation in Pipeline Magazine. Read the full article here: Pipeline Magazine Continue reading How Infrastructure Management Can Facilitate Digital Transformation

Importance of Zone Management

Modern IT structures are becoming increasingly complex and difficult to control due to the disparate locations of IT assets and their components. As IT assets are constantly travelling throughout enterprise locations and organizational structures, implementing a comprehensive zone management solution is critical to keep track of assets, service lifecycles, and user responsibilities.

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Industry Expertise: Modern IT and Cable Infrastructures Drive Quality Education

As digitalization permeates all areas of the campus, IT infrastructures are working at full capacity. To ensure quality education, institutions must transform their IT and cable infrastructure into a modern technological system that has the flexibility to adapt to the evolving needs of student, faculty and administration.

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