Third Annual User Group Conference Showcases Strong Collaboration Between Vendors and Users

The third annual FNT User Group Conference is all about collaboration, lively discussions and   networking. The conference is the ideal exchange platform for users and managers to gain new insights in company challenges and how they can be resolved. Furthermore, it is an opportunity to work directly with product managers and align standard software with market demands.

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451 Research Report Covers FNT Command’s Ability to Manage Network Assets

Over the past several years, 451 Research has tracked FNT Software as a DCIM supplier. Recently, analyst Andy Lawrence and his team at 451 Research published a report on how FNT meets the growing demand for tools to manage intra- and inter-data center networks.

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DIGITIZATION – Taking Stock of Our Brave New World

Digitization seems to be the flavor of the moment. While experts debate the virtues of bimodal IT, hyperscale data centers, and the emerging ubiquity of the Internet of Things, our guest poster considers digitization and its global impact from a totally different perspective: What needs to change as a company goes digital – its infrastructure or its people?

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5 Steps to Determine if You’re Dealing with an Outdated DCIM Tool

“Why should we upgrade or replace our DCIM software that’s working just fine?” That’s probably the most frequently asked question when it comes to discussions about how well suited the current software chosen decades ago is for current and future requirements.

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The Story of the Data Center with the 1.2 Million Dollar Screwdriver

Shouldn’t data center technicians be our heroes? While they are responsible for maintaining the technical environment, they also improve uptime and ensure availability – and in fact make IT services for every important business process possible. But just as every human does from time to time, they make small mistakes which can have a serious impact.

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Smart City Management Made Simple

Today’s digital transformation is far reaching and changes how cities embrace technology to deliver an array of services as well as make existing operations more efficient. To align with and adapt to “digitization”, many cities have implemented an array of solutions and systems but are struggling to maintain control because they lack a common management platform.

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