Conquering Chaos & Creating Harmony: Masterful IT Asset Management 

Within the ITIL framework, Asset Management goes beyond software licenses. It encompasses the holistic control and optimization of all your IT assets – hardware, software, virtualized elements, and much more. Think of it as the conductor of your IT orchestra, ensuring every instrument, from physical servers to complex virtual machines, contributes harmoniously.  Core Capabilities of IT Asset Management  Next Level IT Asset Management  While the … Continue reading Conquering Chaos & Creating Harmony: Masterful IT Asset Management 

Managing digital infrastructures, no matter where you are – the new app FNT CommandMobile 

The recently launched FNT CommandMobile app makes access to the FNT Command Platform independent of time and location. It not only provides easy access to all important infrastructure data documented in FNT Command, but also extensive visualization options for racks, devices, connections, and signal paths. Peer Dierolf, Product Manager at FNT, explains in an interview what makes the innovative app so special.  What features come … Continue reading Managing digital infrastructures, no matter where you are – the new app FNT CommandMobile 

Mobile RAN Site Management: What to Look for in a Software Solution

As data consumption surges, mobile network operators (MNOs) are tasked with increasing network bandwidth and capacity demands – which means finding, planning, and bringing more mobile RAN sites on air. Operators know all too well the process of acquiring sites, evaluating candidates, and negotiating leases is cumbersome. When selecting a new site candidate, demographics, access to power supply, the line of sight or a backbone … Continue reading Mobile RAN Site Management: What to Look for in a Software Solution

FNT Command 13.6 – An overview of the new release

Beginning March 2023, FNT Command will be available in version 13.6. What’s new? That is what we asked Bernd Pratschke, Product Manager at FNT. In this interview, he answers questions about the new features and functionalities in FNT Command 13.6.  In your opinion, what are the most important new features in FNT Command 13.6?  We were able to implement many enhancements and optimizations. The most … Continue reading FNT Command 13.6 – An overview of the new release

Holistic network management with the FNT Command Platform and StableNet® combo

Against a backdrop of increasing data volumes and growing networking, digitization and automation have become top priorities for many companies and public authorities. The rise of the digital infrastructure, in which more and more devices from different manufacturers, with a wide variety of hardware and software, are being networked together adds tremendous complexity to network infrastructure management. Along with growing complexity, the demands being placed … Continue reading Holistic network management with the FNT Command Platform and StableNet® combo

Next Generation Colocation Management: Why the Choice of Management Solution Matters for Colocation Providers

The colocation market is in a state of flux. Dynamic change is the only constant, with competition fierce and customer expectations rising. Operators need to set themselves apart from the competition, boost customer satisfaction, secure new income streams, and achieve greater cost efficiency – all at the same time. Many are extending their business models beyond retail customers to serve hyperscalers. New players, such as … Continue reading Next Generation Colocation Management: Why the Choice of Management Solution Matters for Colocation Providers

IT documentation as a business enabler or how you learn to love documenting

A complete documentation of the company infrastructure offers new digitization and automation opportunities. Being tasked with documenting your company’s Enterprise technology infrastructure is probably not your idea of a good time. s. It’s a huge undertaking to accurately record the IT infrastructure and keep this database up to date. Some of the most common excuses to avoid such a project includes everything from lack of … Continue reading IT documentation as a business enabler or how you learn to love documenting

Industry Expertise: How to Achieve Zero Downtime Data Migration

Every telecommunications company will, at some time, need to consolidate inventory systems or replace a legacy inventory management solution. One common reason is to address new technology challenges such as 5G rollouts or hybrid, VNF-based networks. These technologies have requirements that many current management systems are not able to handle. Virtual network functions, 5G, FTTx, and flex-grid optical networks all require more advanced methods than … Continue reading Industry Expertise: How to Achieve Zero Downtime Data Migration