Serving the Digital Passenger: Do You Have What It Takes?

Generation Z is coming of age. This new generation of travelers, born into a digital world, will account for 32% of the global population by 2019, according to a Bloomberg analysis. They will heavily influence – and force change upon – airport operations, retail strategies and the technology and tools needed to provide a positive passenger experience.

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Importance of Zone Management

Modern IT structures are becoming increasingly complex and difficult to control due to the disparate locations of IT assets and their components. As IT assets are constantly travelling throughout enterprise locations and organizational structures, implementing a comprehensive zone management solution is critical to keep track of assets, service lifecycles, and user responsibilities.

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Industry Expertise: Modern IT and Cable Infrastructures Drive Quality Education

As digitalization permeates all areas of the campus, IT infrastructures are working at full capacity. To ensure quality education, institutions must transform their IT and cable infrastructure into a modern technological system that has the flexibility to adapt to the evolving needs of student, faculty and administration.

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Smart City Management Made Simple

Today’s digital transformation is far reaching and changes how cities embrace technology to deliver an array of services as well as make existing operations more efficient. To align with and adapt to “digitization”, many cities have implemented an array of solutions and systems but are struggling to maintain control because they lack a common management platform.

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