Whitepaper: Managing Digital Transformation

The Benefits of an Advanced CMDB

How can organizations stay in control of fast-changing digital infrastructures? The day-to-day work of IT departments is characterized by a growing number of networked devices. At the same time, businesses are becoming increasingly dependent on applications as digital transformation gathers pace, while automation requires tighter integration of apps, including those beyond corporate boundaries.

How can organizations move forward in this environment? Doing nothing and hoping for the best is not the way to proceed, especially given today’s emphasis on system security. You can only protect what you can see and the sheer volume of different components makes it difficult to keep track of everything. A high rate of change also means any documentation quickly becomes obsolete. These are compelling reasons to take a closer look at configuration management and discover how an advanced, high-performance configuration management database (CMDB) can help. Read on to find out why a CMDB is business critical in the context of digital transformation and how CMDB users can get the most out of their existing system data.

Today’s CMDBs are much more than just a simple collection of information.

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